Jim Reeves Jim Reeves - Old Tige

(Tige you were faithful faithful to the end
Tige now I miss you you were my best friend)
Three years of Army Service done and I was headin' home at last
I got to thinking bout my dog and things long gone and passed
How old Tige pulled me from a creek when I had no pulse or breath
How he saved me from the changin' bull that gored my Dad to death
As a kid I'd dream of bears and tremble to my toes
Till old Tige come up to my bed and nudge me with his nose
Then my fears would melt away and Tige would go lie down
I'd drift on back to sleep without another sound
The big bus stopped I got off it was awful dark and thick with fog
Then something gently nuzzled me and there stood Tige my dog
I wondered if my faithful dog had met the bus each day
And all the dreary winter nights since I'd been away
Have Tige meet me here like this I was I was really glad
Cause I hadn't needed Tige so much since the day they've burried Dad
Too long miles still lay ahead but what I didn't know
A giant Dam was being built where the old road used to go
I think the Lord was sending Tige and I followed where he led
Knowing well without his help that I'd be good as dead
Tige inched along this way and that going rough and slow
And I could hear the water a lappin' at the ledges far below
Then through the mist I saw a light and mother in her chair
And I reached down to pet old Tige but he wasn't there
I'm thankful Mom you had old Tige these three lonely years
I owe my life to him tonight I couldn't help my tears
You say you wrote me bout the Dam well God was sure with us
I didn't get your letter Mom but old Tige met the bus
I hate to tell you son she said but now you've got to know
When you left it broke his heart Tige died three years ago
(You were my best friend)